Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lady walks two shitty dogs up Richards St. Roberts Creek on a Tuesday.

This is an unrelated post, because I want to rant.
So I'm driving home from work today, and I'm coming around the corner of my block and I see my stepson riding his bike.
I crawl up to him and ask him if he wants to hold on to the car, and hold on so I can make him go fast. He is into it. Just as we start off, I realize there is too much foot traffic at the moment so I ask him to let go and meet me at the end of the street so we can wait for the street to be clear and have a good run.
So I'm driving up the street and I'm coming up behind this lady walking two dogs, and there's another car (or truck) approaching in the other direction.
For whatever reason this lady has one of these dogs (maybe both) on a really long lead, and I see this dog lunge out towards the other vehicle. When I say lunge I mean one of those tire biting dogs that tries with all its life energy to put its head right under the leading edge of a rotating tire. I'm thinking "god.." because my neighborhood harbors a few people that seem to have never sought any real training for their dogs, and clearly minimal to no effort into controlling them for the well being of those who surround them. So at this point I got my eye on this dog and I'm crawling past this lady, lo and behold this dog goes for my front passenger side tire. I swerved faster than you can say "For Fuck SAKES!".
Lucky that other vehicle had passed me or I would have had nowhere to swerve to and things would have got shitty to say the least. I turn my head almost as quickly as I had swerved and caught I wide eyed look in this woman's face.
I carried on to the end of the culdesac and waited. My son was quick behind me, but I was waiting to get a word in with this lady. As she got close we may have exchanged a half-hearted smile but beyond that she wouldn't look at me. When she got closer I called out to her "Madam, next time could you do a better job of controlling your dog." Now Get this. She calls back "Don't talk to me!"
This catches my by surprise, so I'm not saying anything. She carries on toward the trailhead on the other side of the street and starts up saying things to the effect of "I know you, your always ripping up and down this street with children riding off your car in the winter." "This is a residential zone." and pauses for a moment and just before she disappears into the trail she calls out "Next time I see you doing that I'm calling the Cops." Now I've seen this before it's actually uncanny the traits these kinda people share. There is almost a culture of denial and deflection among people who can't handle these shitty little shoe brush looking things with their dripping infected looking orifices. This person made a (potentially) honest mistake, and I managed to not smear her dog's head across the pavement, and when I try to talk to her about it she just starts ranting about unrelated things that I do. Sometimes I meet people like this and I think "Holy FUCK! how does someone grow to be middle aged have a career and maybe own a house, and be such a fuck head", then I look at myself and go "Oh!" XD

For the record:
I am a man who ties things to the back of my car  and drags kids along in the snow or the sunshine.
I don't speed when I'm doing this, the kids think they're going 100 Km/H
but its more like 30.
I am EXTREMELY attentive to my surroundings while doing this,
and if something proves to be unsafe I don't let that scenario happen again.

And if anyone ever wants to talk to me about my actions I wont treat you like this lady did me.

As I final note I do recall that we are all human, with faults and fears,
different view points and fuckups. Lord knows I've pissed some people off in my life time.
This lady probably has her high points, but I'm writing this because TODAY, I think very lowly of this person.

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